
Glennetrius Neal "Coach G"

Think of "Coach G" as your Chief P.M.S. cheerleader (Positively. Motivating. Sisters. with Purpose. Meaning. Style.) wanting to see you win in your personal and professional life. Your Connector: guiding you in bridging the gap from where you are to your what’s next. She is a leadership and growth coach strategist, empowerment speaker, author, mom, wife, Christian, and she get to serve you in doing what she is passionate about…You!
Her topics of conversation on "What's all the P.M.S.?" with Coach G embodies the whole you: mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, and socially. 
She invites other guests in collaborative conversations to empower other women on their journey. This journey is for you to live your life on purpose, for purpose, with Purpose. Meaning. Style.